

Jul 26, 2023

Woman claims vaping caused 'POPCORN LUNG'

Abby Flynn says she became so addicted to vaping, she would find herself sleeping with them in her hand. Now she has been left with 'popcorn lungs' and doctors warn she may need an oxygen machine if she doesn't stop

A woman has been left with damaged lungs after becoming addicted to vapes.

Abby Flynn, 20, Milton Keynes, was diagnosed with 'popcorn lungs' and may end up needing an oxygen machine by the time she turns 30.

Abby, who started using disposable vapes a year and a half ago would use a new one every day.

The expensive habit set her back almost £135 every month and saw her smoking the equivalent of 140 cigarettes every week.

She told Manchester Evening News: "Before I started vaping I'd never tried a cigarette. When I started it was a trend that was going around - everyone had a disposable vape.

"You get addicted without realising. I was going through one vape a day without fail for about a year and a half, which is the equivalent of 20 cigarettes per vape.

"I had it in my hand when I was driving. I'd be asleep and wake up and it would be in my hand. It was just constantly attached to me."

Abby, a former supermarket maintenance coordinator said during her addiction, her cough began to get worse to the point she could not breathe.

Last month she decided to visit the hospital and was given oxygen, x-rays and medication.

Later she was diagnosed with bronchiolitis obliterans - better known as 'popcorn lung'.

The disease is often caused by a build-up of scar tissue in the lungs which blocks the flow of air.

Doctors informed Abby if she did not give up vaping within the next 10 years she would soon have to rely on a breathing machine.

She added: "The doctor said that if I didn't stop vaping within the next year or two, I'll be on an oxygen machine when I'm 30. It was a bit of a wake-up call."

Abby said she would buy two disposable vapes for £9 at a nearby corner shop in a range of sweet flavours.

She said: "I've had asthma since I was around nine or ten. I started vaping about a year and a half ago. I didn't smoke before, so I literally went straight to vaping.

"As time went by my cough got a lot worse and then I just couldn't seem to breathe a few weeks ago, so I went to the walk-in centre.

"It was really scary. Initially, I didn't know what was wrong, I knew I had asthma but it wasn't a feeling of an asthma attack."

Abby said the walk-in centre immediately called for an ambulance as her breathing became out of control.

She added: "I was in there for about three hours on an oxygen machine, I had four nebulisers and an x-ray.

"Before I said anything they asked if I used disposable vapes. They said I had loads of air pockets in my lungs, which is what they call 'popcorn lung'.

"The doctor said that it's really common for young people that use disposable vapes."

Abby spent several hours in the hospital before being sent home.

Although she's now feeling a lot better, she is required to take eight steroids each morning until her next appointment to review her chest health.

Abby said: "When the doctor said it was caused by vaping I was quite shocked because all my friends vape, everyone from 18 to 25, and a lot of people always carry a disposable vape around. So for it to happen to me and not anyone else I know, I was a bit like 'what?'

"I think you kind of look past the dangers. I think it shocked a lot of people, my best friend threw her vape away as soon as I went into the hospital. I think a lot of people think that it's not going to happen to them."

Abby says she hopes other people realise the dangers of vaping and learn from her mistake

She said: "Vaping is really not worth it. I struggle with my chest every single day now and I know a lot of other people do as well and they're still vaping.

"I'd urge people to throw their vapes in the bin. I know a lot of people use them as stress relief because you get a nicotine rush from it, and that's all fine but just reduce how much you use it.

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